Corporate Training

Business leadership is critical as organizations depend upon capable leadership to guide them through unprecedented changes. Hence, organizations are paying more emphasis to leadership development and reaching out for Executive Coaching and Soft Skills Training for the top leadership. However, there is ample evidence in the news and in recent leadership articles that even some of the best and most venerable organizations are failing to adapt to change, implement their strategic plans successfully or prepare for a more uncertain future. We believe the turmoil we are currently observing has something to do with ineffective leadership competencies, and that if we don't change our current approach to leadership development, we will see even more of the same.

As well-known companies disappear or are taken over (think of Lucent, Chrysler, Lehman Brothers, Northern Rock, Merrill Lynch) and new forces like the economies of China and India rise, surveys of business leadership show that they believe the one factor that will determine their fate is the quality of their leadership talent. Yet many top executives bemoan the lack of leadership bench strength in their companies and wonder what will happen once the baby-boomer generation of leaders finally steps aside. Can we count on the next generation of leaders to step up once they are in position? Or are we seeing evidence of a talent gap that cannot be closed and will result in even greater numbers of high-profile failures?

Knowing the best way to develop your people and grow organizational leadership begins with clarifying your business strategy and asking, what should leadership look like to get us there? Then, you create a leadership development strategy with specific recommendations for developing current and future leaders, as well as the collective capabilities of the organization's leadership.